The Content Case, First Part

WOW, it has been almost ten years since the Facebook page Dora Marii Poetry has been out there! I cannot believe it has been that long. It felt like an adventure, I was very curious, how this stuff works. I have experimented with any new feature I found (multiple languages anyone?), added a note that is the Easter egg of my artist profile (big eyes smiley here)

I even used links to some of my Facebook page posts inside the ebook “Soul Connections” (Amazon Kindle).

Back then I didn’t have a website for my art. Being busy with family and work, I only wrote now and then, I had no plan at all. Two years later, my art became more important and finally I have launched this blog. At the same time I have also started to post on Instagram; I have been managing this website and never thought about adding my previous Facebook content in here.

Until something happened: AI!

The initial hype settled down and we kind of wake up the day after an exhilarating party and realize, wait a minute! This bunch of new tools are hungry – for content to train on.

Yes, I know, I am quite a “small” artist, I have around 270 followers on Facebook and 920 on Instagram. Even so, I don’t like the idea of some bots that crawl over my posts (they are public after all) and digest them, to have stuff the AI tools can create stuff from.

I wouldn’t have minded if me and all other Creators would get a couple of cents for our Two Cents (pun intended here), but no, they go like, you use our platform for free and we have this stuff in the Terms&Conditions saying that we can use your posts for advertising. That said, I spent some time thinking about it, what would I like to do next?

Advertising can also use AI so I guess, this platform reserved the right to use page content for training its AI Ad assistants or whatever it is named. Would I like to see some ads that are generated from my content? no way! Actually I’ve felt quite disappointed that all the evolution since web2.0 and user generated content lead to this. Tools that digest our user generated content to create stuff without our permission and to sell this stuff to others.

That being settled, I have started already to copy my old FB posts as blog posts in here. The irony, I have been trying to get a download from the Facebook page, I will be surprised I guess, when I see the download.

Are you an artist or creator too and how do you handle this situation? Did you change your post creation strategy? let me know in the comments!