Category: No Romance

  • Blue Fire

    Blue Fire

    (C) Dora Marii 2015 No one can tell you What to do, So you must look Inside yourself… My skin is burning, Heart is racing… I’ve waited so long… (waited-waited-waited) There’s no one Here with me, So I wonder What will happen next?… My heart is burning, I am racing… I’ve never felt such a…

  • On Valentine’s

    On Valentine’s

    So fast, the way time flies And I am still here (in Cologne) My loved one, he’s nowhere near Always breaking up on Valentine’s. He calls my name like no one else, Wish he’d be the one in my Soul Talk, And my Longing turns into a hawk, Like a love letter on Valentine’s. Yes,…

  • New moon

    New moon

    This is not a romantic post to clear things up, if someone might think “moon=romantic”. Nature’s beauty is in my eyes unique and very inspiring. I took this picture from my balcony two days ago in the early evening. Shortly after that the moon took on a yellowish colour and was much more beautiful to…

  • Shop “Soul Connections” t-shirts, smartphone cases and more

    Shop “Soul Connections” t-shirts, smartphone cases and more

    We’ve just added new products to our Spreadshirt shop: hoodies, caps, even teddy bears! In the process the showroom got this pretty heading graphic with the name of the shop in it: Fun Future Fantasy This phrase was with me for quite a long time. Ever since 2010, as I had approached freelancing and was…

  • Happy #ValentinesDay2018 !

    Happy #ValentinesDay2018 !

  • Love Is Like …

    Love Is Like …

    Inspiration: Love is likeMendelssohn being the judge acting as referee #humour